Speciality Coffee in AmsterdamOnce you start buying beans from a speciality coffee roaster, there is no turning back. For some people the taste of speciality coffee is…Mar 16, 2023Mar 16, 2023
For the Love of Street PhotographyLet me start by mentioning that I’m not a professional photographer. Not even a hobbyist photographer I would say. I’m just a guy who loves…Feb 10, 2023Feb 10, 2023
GINA Smart Coffee MakerI have many tools to brew coffee at home. For a long time, I was just a simple Hario V60 dripper user. But after moving to the Netherlands…Feb 5, 2023Feb 5, 2023
Recap: Year 2020Almost everyone have something to talk about 2020. What a year! It’s definitely a year that we will tell to our children and grandchildren…Dec 19, 20201Dec 19, 20201
Published inThe StartupAnother Navigation in Android Multi Module ArchitectureAt Jibble, we moved to a multi module architecture. Alongside with that, we have Kotlin Multiplatform that powers our core business logic…Apr 19, 2020Apr 19, 2020
Kotlin Preconditions in API DesignWhen designing your API/SDK functions in Kotlin, there are some useful functions that called Preconditions. Those functions can help you…Apr 16, 20201Apr 16, 20201
Observable(LiveData/Rx) Bind ExtensionsOften times I find myself observing simple values from LiveData or Rx observables and setting them to view items like TextViews or…Apr 12, 2020Apr 12, 2020
Kahveyi nereden alıyorum?Çekirdek kahve sipariş verdiğim kavurmacılar üzerine.Jun 21, 20191Jun 21, 20191
Published inPeakode Not DefteriBursa I/ODeveloper ve maker ruhlu insanların bir araya geldiği, bilgi paylaşımı yaptığı ve çalışma grubu oluşturduğu bir platform olarak Bursa I/O…Jun 27, 2016Jun 27, 2016